The Business & Industry Pavilion showcases technology innovation for companies, industry verticals, professions, and workplace teams.
Business & Industry Pavilion
The Business & Industry Pavilion showcases technology innovation for companies, industry verticals, professions, and workplace teams.
Conference Tracks
Advertising, Sales, Marketing
Discover integrated sales & marketing technologies for your organization: Digital advertising, customer intelligence, social media marketing, sales management software, sales analytics & optimization
Productivity, Management, HR
Productivity, Management, HR innovation includes project management, HR workflow & optimization, team communication & collaboration, and hiring / recruiting technologies.
Smart Cars, Automotive & Vehicles
Smart Cars, Automotive & Vehicles innovation includes the newest cars and road vehicles, smart car software and technologies, connected car web and mobile apps, self-driving car technologies, and artificial intelligence for automobiles.
Finance & Analytics
Finance & Analytics innovation includes financial management software, business analytics software, payment processing technologies, investment software, and financial marketplaces & trading technologies.
Retail & Ecommerce
Retail & Ecommerce innovation includes web & mobile shopping, ecommerce technologies, connected retail software and hardware, digital fashion shopping & technologies, and customer intelligence / predictive analytics.
3D Printing & Manufacturing
3D Printing & Manufacturing innovation includes 3D printing software and machinery, 3D design and fabrication techniques, general manufacturing machinery innovation, and product distribtion supply chains.
Mobile, 5G, Communications
Mobile, 5G, Communications innovation includes new mobile devices, smart phone software and hardware, mobile application development technologies and languages, 5G software and hardware, and communications technologies.
2023 Schedule
2023 Schedule Coming June 2023.
2023 Call for speakers coming April 2023.