Conference Tracks

WorldFestival Pavilions

Business & Industry Pavilion

The Business & Industry Pavilion showcases technology innovation for companies, industry verticals, professions, and workplace teams.

Technology Pavilion

The Technology Pavilion showcases innovation for technology teams, IT departments, business managers, and software engineers.

Life & Society Pavilion

The Life & Society Pavilion showcases technology innovation for household and family, personal life and wellness, career and education, as well as cities and communities.

World Pavilion

The World Pavilion showcases innovation that moves the world forward, including space and the future of transportation, national and international innovation ecosystems, and world impact technologies.


Join 2,000 mobile application developers, mobile team managers, mobile growth & strategy professionals, and mobile executives at the global conference dedicated to mobile technology innovation.

Startup Pavilion

Startup Summit invites founders, investors, and startup executives to discuss startup success stories, best practices for startup growth, how to raise money, and how to build a startup team.

Business & Industry Pavilion

Advertising, Sales, Marketing

Discover integrated sales & marketing technologies for your organization: Digital advertising, customer intelligence, social media marketing, sales management software, sales analytics & optimization

Productivity, Management, HR

Productivity, Management, HR innovation includes project management, HR workflow & optimization, team communication & collaboration, and hiring / recruiting technologies.

Smart Cars, Automotive & Vehicles

Smart Cars, Automotive & Vehicles innovation includes the newest cars and road vehicles, smart car software and technologies, connected car web and mobile apps, self-driving car technologies, and artificial intelligence for automobiles.

Finance & Analytics

Finance & Analytics innovation includes financial management software, business analytics software, payment processing technologies, investment software, and financial marketplaces & trading technologies.

Retail & Ecommerce

Retail & Ecommerce innovation includes web & mobile shopping, ecommerce technologies, connected retail software and hardware, digital fashion shopping & technologies, and customer intelligence / predictive analytics.

3D Printing & Manufacturing

3D Printing & Manufacturing innovation includes 3D printing software and machinery, 3D design and fabrication techniques, general manufacturing machinery innovation, and product distribtion supply chains.

Mobile, 5G, Communications

Mobile, 5G, Communications innovation includes new mobile devices, smart phone software and hardware, mobile application development technologies and languages, 5G software and hardware, and communications technologies.

Technology Pavilion

Dev Innovation Summit

Dev Innovation Summit invites 3,000+ Dev Professionals to discover and learn about the newest developer technologies, from new Dev Tools and Programming Languages to APIs and Cloud Services.

Hardware & IoT

Hardware & IoT (Internet of Things) innovation includes smart devices, industrial IoT, healthcare IoT, facilities IoT, embedded systems, embedded software development, and IoT standards.

Robotics & Drones

Robotics & Drones innovation includes household / consumer robotics, industrial robotics, robotics design and development, as well as quadcopter innovation and industrial drone hardware and software.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing innovation includes containers and kubernetes, cloud architecture, DevOps management, microservices & serverless architectures, and cloud native vs. hybrd cloud technologies.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning innovation includes ML frameworks and libraries, neural networks, deep learning, data science technologies, algorithms, AI cloud services, AI management software, AI for security, as well as natural language processing and chatbots.

Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing innovation includes emerging hardware and software for quantum computing, as well as quantum computing services for industrial or business use.

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency innovation includes technology applications for bitcoin, ethereum, blockchain protocols, cryptocurrency payment processing and marketplaces, blockchain solutions for business / industry, decentralized ledgers / finances, and new decentralized application platforms.

Smart Cars, Automotive & Vehicles

Smart Cars, Automotive & Vehicles innovation includes the newest cars and road vehicles, smart car software and technologies, connected car web and mobile apps, self-driving car technologies, and artificial intelligence for automobiles.

TechExec Summit

The TechExec Summit @ WorldFestival is the world’s largest conference for technology executives who want to grow their tech companies. The TechExec Summit has tracks for sales management, marketing management, product management, and tech strategy for founders and senior execs.

Life & Society Pavilion

Digital Health & Wellness

Digital Health & Wellness innovation includes personal health web and mobile applicaitons, doctor and patient communication, medical records management, holistic wellness web and mobile apps, and wellness practice management.

Fitness & Sports

Fitness & Sports innovation includes web & mobile fitness applications, smart fitness / exercise products, fitness performance management, smart sports gear, and sports competition solutions.

Gaming, VR & AR

Gaming, VR & AR includes new computer games, video games, mobile games, emerging gaming consoles and systems, game development technologies, as well as virtual reality / augmented reality hardware, software, and games.

Smart Home

Smart Home innovation includes smart kitchens and appliances, home security, connected home audio / video systems, connected home mobile apps and web apps.

Family & Lifestyle

Family & lifestyle innovation includes web and mobile family service applications, family communication and media technologies, and travel technologies including web and mobile travel applications, travel management, and travel social networks / review sites.

Environment & Energy

Environment & energy innovation includes solar and alternative energy technologies, smart grid solutions, clean tech, csensors / connected environments, and environmental management solutions.

Education & Career

Education & Career innovation includes digital & mobile education applications, course and education management, artificial intelligence & adaptive learning, career and training management, and professional development technologies.

Entertainment & Media

Entertainment & Media innovation includes web and mobile entertainment applications, audio / video media technologies, social media applications, and streaming media technologies.

Smart Cities & Sustainability

Smart Cities & Sustainability innovation includes web and mobile apps that connect city services, city infrastructure, city venues, city safety, city traffic, city data, as well as sustainable construction and zero-impact city technologies.

Startup Pavilion

Startup Summit

Startup Summit invites founders, investors, and startup executives to discuss startup success stories, best practices for startup growth, how to raise money, and how to build a startup team.

WorldFestival Startup Awards

The WorldFestival Innovation Awards is the largest worldwide innovation awards competition, where we invite the top 1,000 global tech companies and startups to compete online for votes leading up to WorldFestival 2022.

World Pavilion

Space & Future of Transportation

Space & Future of Transportation innovation includes spacecraft and space technologies, as well as train, bus, aircraft innovation, person transportation technologies, and connected transportation applications.

International Impact & Progress

The International Impact & Progress track invites leaders who are making a positive civic impact on their city, their nation, or their world via technology leadership.

World 2.0 Summit

The World 2.0 Summit invites visionary tech leaders to discuss topics such as: What does a connected future world look like? What are the next major technology trends? Which technologies are having the greatest positive impact on the world?

Venture Capital, Investment & Emerging Markets

Venture Capital, Investments, and Emerging Markets includes topics such as: What are the latest trends in angel and VC investing? What are the similarities / differences in investment focus across nations and continents?



Join 2,000 mobile application developers, mobile team managers, mobile growth & strategy professionals, and mobile executives at the global conference dedicated to mobile technology innovation.